Friday, March 20, 2009

March 20, 2009

We saw this guy this morning, up in a tree trimming branches away from the power lines. Yes, that's a chainsaw in his left hand as he stands in the tree with his feet braced on different branches. He appears to be wearing a safety belt, but I cannot imagine what he could attach too that would support his weight should he fall. He's about 12' feet above ground, given his proximity to the power lines.

Some of my favorite people. This past few days, I've been just filled with an appreciation for how much I love the magnificent children in our tribe! They are the most wondrously beautiful people I've ever known, and I am so grateful my children are growing up in this chosen family.

Dan really worked to get such a close shot of this peacock

Not a great shot of Andy, but I love it. Andy is a frequent subject of Dan's photography.

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